Twickenham Stadium / by Adam Jacobs

Last week, I was at Twickenham Stadium, the home of English rugby in South London on a shoot for RBS photographing two English rugby legends, Jason Leonard and Graham Rowntree.

Whilst there, I took the opportunity to photograph the stadium empty before the shoot. As many, of you know empty arenas are one of my favourite subject matters to shoot evoking memories of all of the great moments of triumph and jubilation along with anguish and defeat that have occurred within these magnificent arenas throughout their histories. 

With an attendance of 82,000 making it the largest rugby union venue in the world, Twickenham is a particularly interesting stadium to shoot replete with vivid green seats and modernist architecture despite it being over a hundred years old.  Below are a couple of my favourite photos of the stadium including a panorama which is a composite stitch of fifteen photographs. 

Twickenham Stadium Panorama Photo_Adam Jacobs
Twickenham Stadium Pitch Photograph_Adam Jacobs